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 篋敲擊樂團為香港註冊之非牟利音樂團體,由總監陳永業先生於2017年成立,致力推動香港敲擊樂發展,為本地光芒初綻的年青音樂家提供更多演奏機會,同時亦為香港樂界提供更多元化之表演活動。GPE現為加拿大知名品牌Soultone Cymbals藝術家。

Gip Percussion Ensemble One of the most active percussion performing groups in Hong Kong, as well as the largest percussion administration training center, providing internship training opportunities.
from local event to international field - by supporting APPS launch in 2020,
from non profit to percussion instrument industry by cooperated with


篋 - 為行李箱之廣東發音,宗旨在於作為行李箱盛載香港多元敲擊樂音樂文化,期望代表香港,參與國際文化交流。與此同時,搜羅各地敲擊文化,邀請歐、美及亞太區頂尖樂手來港獻技,豐富香港敲擊樂壇。






透過富有動感 和 視覺衝擊的敲擊演奏,我們相信彼此可以將人與人的關係、社會各方團體拉近,走向共融。

Sport & Art can bring us together.

Gip Percussion Ensemble is dedicated to the percussion education and promotion in Hong Kong. Its vision is to gather all the musicians in Hong Kong to form a percussion ensemble which reveals the cultural soft power of Hong Kong.

Gip - In cantonese means luggage.
Gip Percussion Ensemble is also devoted to providing performance opportunities to the young musicians for the experience accumulation, it enables the Ensemble to promote percussion art and for the cultivation of music talent of teenagers in Hong Kong.

Brand Hong Kong.

By improving the standard and quality of the activities. Organise various workshops and masterclasses to encourage potential teenagers to learn more about percussion and cultivate their interest in music. Nevertheless, hold different projects to promote percussion art in the community.  

Art Changes Life.

platform to the young musician to meet different people which enables themselves to build their own social network. to create more performance opportunities to the young musicians and develop their music talent.

Gip Chan Director

創辦人 Founder

陳永業Gip Chan,於意大利敲擊樂大賽獲取定音鼓第一名。

曾刊登於美國Rhythm Scene, 意大利DrumSet MAG及Drum Club, 徳國Percussion Creativ, off-beat Magszine. 以及於南華早報Young Post、Music and Story 和「知識Up Knowledge」登上頭版封面。

於美國、歐、亞洲等地演出無數,曾於多位知名音樂家指揮下演奏,包括Robert Ambrose, Manuel Nawri, Nigel Clarke, Perry So, Roger Bobo, Mak Ka Lok等。陳氏曾於香港管弦樂團、澳門樂團、貴陽交響樂團、泛亞交響樂團、馬友友與YMCG、寰宇交響樂團、香港愛樂團、學士管弦樂團、亞洲室樂團、香港青年管樂演奏家、香港浸會大學管弦樂團、Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong等樂團演出。並曾於馬來西亞敲擊樂節樂團、香港浸會大學管弦樂團、管樂團及敲擊樂團擔任獨奏家。



現為Drum Corp Asia 及 上海 IPEA 冠軍鼓隊 上海飞晔UP Drumline 藝術顧問。 陳氏致力發展步操及行進樂,2014年考獲DCI Academy六級水平。師隨Drum Corps International (DCI)評判 Steve Ulicny學習行進敲擊樂,並曾經跟隨亞洲知名小鼓獨奏家 石川直 學習。2011-2013年間,擔任珀珈斯樂團center snare鼓手,期間與樂團獲獎無數。



陳氏於浸會大學師隨 香港管弦樂團樂師 胡淑徽學習敲擊樂,並先後師隨 蔡立徳及 香港管弦樂團定音鼓首席 龐樂思James Boznos學習定音鼓,亦曾經與David Herbert、Thomas Burritt、Ted Atkatz、Joseph Gramley、Casey Cangelosi、Aiyun Huang、Joe Porter、Aziz D. Barnard Luce、Rieko Koyama等世界頂尖敲擊樂演奏家學習。

2017年8月,陳氏為藝術總監之 篋敲擊樂團Gip Percussion Ensemble 以非牟利團體成立,與榮譽藝術顧問蔡立徳老師及胡淑徽老師帶領下,廣納青年敲擊樂手,推廣香港及敲擊文化。樂團現為加拿大品牌Soultone Cymbals藝術家,並獲得藝發局資助下,計劃主辦2019年“澳〜亞洲敲擊樂薈!

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港・初心   意大利敲擊樂大賽首位華人冠軍 Gip Chan 陳永業|香港故事|EP05

港・初心 意大利敲擊樂大賽首位華人冠軍 Gip Chan 陳永業|香港故事|EP05

Play Video

意大利敲擊樂大賽 Italy Percussive Art Society 定音鼓首位華人冠軍

Gip Chan 陳永業, 為普及、推廣敲擊樂而設立之服務團體

Honorary Advisors - Lap tak choy

榮譽藝術顧問 Honorary Advisors


Choy Lap-tak 蔡立徳
Choy Lap-tak is currently a tutor in Western Percussion and adviser to the Academy Percussion Ensemble at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He graduated from the Academy in 1996 with Distinction, majoring in Western Percussion under Dr Lung Heung-wing. He was awarded a Jockey Club scholarship the same year to further his studies at the Royal Northern College of Music in the UK.

Choy has been a guest timpani player and percussionist with many professional orchestras such as the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, the Macao Orchestra and the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra. Concurrently, he was the drum kit player in several musicals, including Cats and Field of Dreams – A Musical and more. He was also engaged to perform timpani and percussion concertos in concerts around the world, having appeared in the Sydney Opera House and venues in Beijing, Singapore and South Korea.


Choy was the Hong Kong Consultant in Drum Kit for grade examinations of the Trinity College London and Guildhall School of Music and Drama of the UK. He is also the endorser of Zildjian Cymbal, Latin Percussion and Elite Mallets, the last of which has even developed his signature series of timpani mallets.

Honorary Advisors Sophina Woo

榮譽藝術顧問 Honorary Advisors

Sophia Woo

Sophia Woo is a percussionist with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra since 1992 as well as a percussion instructor at the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong . Woo started her music studies at the HKAPA, majoring in percussion with Mr. Lung Heung-wing. After graduating with distinction in 1990, she was awarded The Bernard Van Zuiden Music Fund Scholarship for advanced studies at London Guildhall School of Music and Drama with David Corkhill (Principal Percussion, Philharmonia Orchestra), Michael Skinner (Principal Percussion, Royal Opera House) and Terry Emery (Percussion, BBC Symphony Orchestra). In England, she was selected as a member of the Guildhall New Music Ensemble, performing Xenakis' "Rebonds" for the "Young Musician of the Year-- Percussion Master Class, 1991" for a BBC-TV broadcast.

Sophia Woo is involved with many chamber music and solo works. She performed at the ISCM-ACL World Music Days Festival, and represented the HKPO at the Asian Friendly Concert in Fukuoka in 1994. In December 1994, she performed the Berlioz Requiem with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, with Seiji Ozawa conducting. One of the founders of Jenga -- The Hong Kong Percussion Quartet, set up in 1998, she has also performed with the HK Percussion Group. 

Sophia is very enthusiastic about the music education in Hong Kong . She has been invited to give masterclasses and workshops presented by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra since 2004 and was invited to be a juror of the Hong Kong Young Musician of the Year 2008 and 2010. Apart from performing in the concert hall, Sophia gives a lot of ensemble visits to local schools in Hong Kong under the Young Audience Scheme by the HKPO. 


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胡淑徽 現為香港管弦樂團敲擊樂手,並任教於香港演藝學院、香港浸會大學及香港中文大學。胡淑徽早年在香港演藝學院接受音樂訓練,主修敲擊樂,師承龍向榮先生。 1990 年以優異成績畢業後再贏得萬瑞庭獎學金,前往英國著名學府市政廳音樂及戲劇學院深造,跟隨愛樂管弦樂團敲擊樂首席葛堯、皇家歌劇院管弦樂團敲擊樂首席施堅拿及英國BBC交響樂團敲擊樂手艾美利等學習。在英就讀期間,胡淑徽更被挑選加入學院的現代音樂樂團,參與多次演出。同年夏季,她又再被邀請參與由英國BBC製作、在全英各地電視廣播之「青年音樂家年獎」大師班節目演出史拿加斯的《Rebonds》。在正式加入香港管弦樂團之前的五年,胡淑徽曾任香港小交響樂團及澳門室樂團的首席敲擊樂手。

胡淑徽經常參加室樂及獨奏演出,包括於「 ISCM-ACL 世界音樂節」亮相,以及於 1994 年代表香港管弦樂團出席在日本福岡市舉行之「亞洲友好音樂節」。同年 12 月,她又應邀與美國波士頓交響樂團及小澤征二合作。此外,胡淑徽亦是在 1998 年成立的「 Jenga 香港敲擊樂四重奏」創辦人之一,並曾與香港敲擊樂團合作。 1999 年夏季,她應邀聯同香港敲擊樂團前往德國威瑪市演出,亮相「歐洲文化節」的一系列音樂會。

在香港繁忙的演出及教學工作之餘,胡淑徽於2001及2002年應澳門政府文化局邀請,為澳門青年音樂節舉辦工作坊,及於2004年義務於澳門教授敲擊樂,致力栽培新一代的敲擊樂人才。胡淑徽對香港的音樂教育充滿熱誠,自2004年開始經常應邀教授由香港管弦樂團舉辦的大師班及工作坊,並於2008及2010年為香港傑出青少年音樂家大獎擔任評判。除了演出音樂會外,胡淑徽經常與香港管弦樂團「青少年聽眾」計劃的音樂小組探訪香港不同學校。此外,她又於2011及2012年義務為畢架山小學組織集體鼓樂(drum circle)音樂治療小組。

Honorary Advisors 陳明志博士

榮譽藝術顧問 Honorary Advisors

CHAN Ming-chi 陳明志 博士

Chan Ming Chi studied music at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, Elizabeth Music University , Shanghai Conservatory of Music for his master , PhD degree and post-doctorate programme respectively, researching in music composition, multi-media theatre music and Asian ethic music. His musical language covers a characteristic perception of sounds and their attribute, reflecting the consideration and integration of various factors such as the nature of sound itself, space-time effects, dramatic thinkings and philosophy of oriental culture. He is currently Chairman of the Hong Kong Electronic Music and Sound Arts Association , Artistic Director of the Ensemble Contemporary Players and the professor of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music where teaching composition and music digital media design.


陳明志先後於香港演藝學院作曲及電子音樂系、日本國立東京藝術大學作曲系、依利沙伯音樂大學音樂研究所接受由本科到哲學博士的教育,並在中國上海音樂學院完成博士後的作曲理論研究。陳氏一直以作曲家、指揮及音樂會策劃、統籌的身份活躍於樂壇,創作主要有管弦樂、跨媒體劇場音樂及舞臺、影視作品的聲音設計。他的音樂語境展示了其對聲音本體、時空效應及戲劇思维與東方文化哲思的多重思考與融合。近年以多元文化及互動為題,展開了一系列的多媒體音樂創作活動。現為上海音樂學院教授, 致力於作曲與音樂數位媒體的教學、研究與創作。

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畢業於日本依利沙伯音樂大學,獲博士學位 Graduated from the Elisabeth University of Music in Japan with a Doctor’s degree

 - 現為星海音樂學院教授、廣西歌舞劇院及香港節日管樂團作曲家 Currently the Professor at the Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Composer of the Song and Dance Theater of Guangxi and the Hong Kong Festival Wind Orchestra

 - 獲「2017香港藝術發展獎」頒發「藝術家年獎(音樂)」 Awarded ‘Artist of the Year (Music)’ of the ‘Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2017’’

 - 大型民族管弦樂作品〈精‧氣‧神〉獲聯合國國際音樂局主辦的「現代音樂交流會」選為2001年度十首推薦樂曲之一 Large-scale Chinese orchestral work Jing • Qi • Shen was selected by the International Music Council of UNESCO as one of the ‘Ten Recommended Pieces 2001’

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